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What are the main advantages of incoming tourism
Incoming tourism represents a fundamental pillar for many global economies, bringing with it a wide range of benefits that go far beyond the simple increase in visitors. This flow of foreign tourists offers extraordinary opportunities for the economic, cultural and social development of the destinations that welcome them. Why... Find out more
What are the most popular emerging destinations among young people for 2024
2024 promises to be an exciting year for young travelers seeking new experiences and adventures. With the growing popularity of social platforms like Instagram and TikTok, emerging destinations are capturing the attention of young people thanks to their unique features and sharing opportunities. Which... Find out more
Sea and luxury travel: American tourists choose Capri
Capri, the fascinating island in the Gulf of Naples, continues to be one of the most sought-after destinations for American tourists looking for luxury travel. Its unique combination of natural beauty, high-class amenities and an exclusive atmosphere attracts visitors from all over the world, with Americans… Find out more
Business trips 2024: Italy sets a record in Europe
Nel panorama dei viaggi di lavoro 2024, l’Italia emerge come leader indiscussa in Europa, superando la Spagna e posizionandosi come una delle destinazioni più ambite per il turismo d’affari. Questo risultato non solo riflette la qualità delle infrastrutture italiane, ma anche l’efficacia delle strategie di promozione e l’impegno verso... Find out more
WomenWonWOn Tourism Award 2024: discover the 10 winners
Il Premio WomenWonWOn 2024 ha celebrato l’eccezionale contributo di dieci donne nel settore del turismo. Durante una cerimonia tenutasi nella prestigiosa Sala Zuccari di Palazzo Giustiniani a Roma, le vincitrici sono state riconosciute per i loro straordinari successi e il loro impegno nel promuovere l’eccellenza e l’innovazione. Questo evento,... Find out more
Travel and mobility: the ranking of the CEOs of the sector
Il settore dei viaggi e della mobilità è in continua evoluzione, guidato da leader visionari che stanno ridefinendo le regole del gioco. Questi CEO non solo gestiscono grandi aziende, ma influenzano anche l’intero mercato con le loro decisioni strategiche e innovative. Di seguito scopriamo insieme i nomi dei migliori... Find out more
Free travel to Europe for young people
Viaggiare è una delle esperienze più arricchenti che si possano vivere, soprattutto quando si è giovani e pieni di curiosità. Esplorare nuovi paesi, conoscere culture diverse e fare amicizie internazionali sono esperienze che ti segnano per tutta la vita. E se ti dicessi che esiste un’opportunità per i giovani... Find out more
Young people and travel: what are the trends, between social media and films
According to an analysis by, a platform specializing in group travel, social networks play a fundamental role in choosing a trip for 65% of young people (millennials and Gen-Z). Among the most popular trends we find "local" tourism and the exploration of "off the beaten track" destinations: the... Find out more
Winter tourism in Italy: +3% of bookings
A wave of tourists invaded the Trentino mountains during the Christmas and New Year holidays, giving a record edition to the winter season. The snowfalls at the end of the year have contributed to creating a dream landscape, attracting a very large number of visitors eager to enjoy the ski slopes and... Find out more
Experiential tours in Italy in continuous growth: some numbers
Experiential tourism is a rapidly growing trend in Italy, with an ever-increasing number of travelers wanting to experience an authentic immersion in local culture and traditions. What is meant by experiential tourism? Experiential tourism goes beyond simply visiting monuments and tourist attractions.... Find out more